Tuesday 4 June 2013

June Vagsto (2)

Journey Overseas

[Berelia wakes up in a boat, tied to the floor. As she looks around, she discovers more women in the same situation. Next to the wall, there are some kids, scared. She tries to get free of the chains that hold her to the “ground”, and meets a young woman: Kathary. They discover there is a man going downstairs, right where they are. Berelia asks for help because she is pregnant, but this just makes the situation worse. A storm makes the boat sink, and Berelia saves part of the prisoners. They arrive to an island.]

June goes to Loredella after she discusses –again- with Faruh. This had become very common since they arrived to the valley, so she went alone to the market: Against to what they had planned the day before. After she returns home from the market they go to eat with Vitero and Abato, a traveller that had arrived when June was leaving the valley. It is in that moment when Vitero gives June a scroll of paper, which is a drawing of a beautiful lady: It is June´s mother. They go to look for her, and go to the south, for Rotharam is at the North, The queen escaped from Rotharam ¿Where if not was she going to be? 15 years. Fifteen years had Rotharam been without queen. They go asking from market to market in each great village they hear of, until they ask for her to a famous shoe seller. They go ask for the woman he tells them to a tavern, where they find her… but it is not the queen. She is older and this woman is young. They continue the journey, and arrive to a village where children are disappearing. Blond children. They find a strange man, with a blue eye and a black eye. When they capture the man who steals children

With Jard -their new partner- they arrive to the port of Saseb, where they find a sell of slaves, a woman shouting and a handless slave. They buy the slave and free him, but pay with Sua, June´s mare, the one she captured in the desert where she met Faruh. June, Jard and Faruh go to heal the handless man, and after this is done, the man receives the new name of Karo. Karo´s seller marries the shouting woman and gives her Sua as a wedding gift. When June finds a ship that can take them to the other side of the sea, the port of Tocope. But Faruh is disappeared. When the ship goes to sea, and it is going away, Faruh returns with Sua, but there is no return. June shouts Faruh to meet her at Rotharam. They are attacked by pirates, but the whale that June saved from being hunted saves them, like in gratitude to that favour. As they continue the journey, after the captain –friend of June, Karo and Jard- dies, the ship is attacked by an iron monster. June dismays, and wakes up inside of the monster. She discovers that the monster-machine is saving children and taking them to a secret island… the Hope Island. They leave and arrive to Aguzul, where they are received by a fifteen years old boy, named Odei, who gives them a liquid that makes Karo and Jard vomit. The cure to that joke leads them to a farm: The Pretty, and the owner, Odei´s mother recognizes Jard… and June. Her name is Berelia, and she is the queen of Rotharam, wife of King Mustha and mother of Princess June and Prince Odei.

Two guards from the temple to the god of the Pasterra volcano kidnap Odei, Trying to rescue him Jard dies, but they rescue part of the other children (100) that were going to be sacrificed in honour to the god. The volcano erupts and they run to Tocope, where they find Karo, who had gone there after saving 7 girls form the temple before they went up on the volcano. They had survived to the eruption and Suro, a boy, finds his father. They sail to the island, and then they go to Rotharam.

[The peregrine that had kidnapped children was really happy; he had reached the peak of the Mountain of the Penitent. He turned back and discovered another man, dressed in animal skins. One sweared to be innocent, the other admitted his fault. The innocent killed the other, and ate him (there was no other eatable thing near). Some time after, he had survived to the punishment. He went to a village and asked for a dove to send a message to Rotharam. Therador asked for his prize. And for his revenge.]

Fernanda León 

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