Tuesday 22 March 2016


You know what i love about languages?


They change their meaning if a single letter is changed. They change their written form from language to language, and there even is a difference between their written and spoken forms.
Words allow us to communicate.

Words mean the very same thing in every language, and yet, they change a lot.

Grammar structure, word order, pronunciation, writing...

So many borders in communication, just because they were born and developed in different areas of the world, or just because certain country invaded other at a certain period for a determined amount of time, and new words were adopted and received a new meaning, or new words were born.

The words we use here are not the same they use in spain or argentina...

Even from city to city, they change.

Accent and pronunciation change a word's meaning or sense of use. Jokes and puns are able to exist just because of the meaning you give to words. And if you dig in just a little bit in a language's roots, you are able to understand why some words are like they are.

Just look at yourself, staring at different combinations of 26 symbols to get an idea. We even have a way to communicate with those who can't speak, see or hear.

Words allow us to communicate and transmit ideas. Words are able to shape feelings, they can hurt or comfort.

It is a human characteristic. No other living being is able to do it, and I think that's just wonderful.

Wednesday 27 January 2016


     Okay, so I know I haven't posted in a while, but here's a thought I just came upon:

Why do people feel such a need to curse?  Sure, it'd be hard not to have those words in our vocabulary, however, I just feel using them constantly speaks poorly of a person. What it says about this person is that (s)he is unable to find another word to describe a situation, and needs to use this part of their vocabulary. It means this person has trouble finding a proper word to express an idea, and therefore refers to it using an inadequate alternative to the term.