Friday, 13 January 2017

USA Brands

It has become a known fact that Mexico will stop buying anything that was produced by any brand from the USA. And I understand, we must support our national produce, help small businesses and that kind of stuff. Go national, yay. However, I don't think this is being thoroughly thought.

Here's the thing: I go to Starbucks, I go to Carl's Jr, and KrispyKreme, and I have Apple devices. One of my family's car is a Ford. And, as I'm sure you know, they are US brands. Brands who belong to the same country that's also home to Disney, CocaCola, Nike and Adidas. The same country that owns Pedigree/Whiskas, Windows, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Gerber, Walmart...So what?

 I honestly do not care what brand myfood or coffee or hot chocolate is (only materialistic people would care about that, c'mon, it's coffee). The only factor that should matter is that it's good, not that it comes in a red cup (or any other colour).What I do care about is that my computer works well, and that I can easily communicate with friends and family. I do care about my food being healthy, and good, and it being there. I do care about my clothes' lifespan, and the quality of my dog's food. 

And most of our stock is USA-branded, because that's how life is. I see a lot of people who say they will go all-mexican. But, will they? Are they willing to give up their phones, and computers, and tvs? Are they willing to delete their netflix and facebook accounts? Because, you know, they are not mexican, and they just help the US economy. I see a lot of people saying they will go all-mexican, and stop buying US-branded stuff, but I do not see them creating a non-US alternative. I see a lot of people complaining, and there's about nobody actually doing something about it.

So, I'm thinking, the day our market is finally 100% national, with quality products that people would actually buy, that's the day the world will change. Not right now, with people posting in Facebook that they will stop buying to the US from their iPhone 7 while they sip on their Starbucks coffee.