Wednesday, 26 February 2014

I Want Tomorrow

Dawn breaks; there is blue in the sky.
Your face before me
Though I don't know why
Thoughts disappearing like tears
From the moon

They came before me
Those men from the sun
Signs from the heavens say
I am the one

Now you're here, I can see your light
That light that I must follow
You, you may take my life away,
so far away.
Now I know I must leave your spell

I want tomorrow.

Now you're here, I can see your light
That light that I must follow
You, you may take my life away,
so far away.
Now I know I must leave your spell

I want tomorrow.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Let It Go

Last Time by Moonlight

     When I heard that- thing running towards me, I began to run. It began to bark and growl menacingly. It's then when I knew it was a wolf, and it was angry. I tripped off with a branch and turned around to see it. White, gray and huge, it jumped into me. All I could do was cover my face with my arms, and my hood fell. I didn't care as long as I stayed alive. Then it froze, and I was able to see those green- blue eyes that once belonged to her... The wolf let me get up and sat down. My eyes got full of tears as I patted its head, finally passing to hug her. Her pack arrived, and after one of them standing up and putting its large paws on my shoulders, then leaving, she started howling. I understood it was because she was sad that left me and she missed me and because she was happy that I could see her again.

"Freastal linn eile." Her eyes shined. "So, are you resting like this for the rest of your days or what?"

     I noticed we were in a rock circle. THE rock circle. As soon as she entered, moonlight hit her, snow all around falls, and she returned to human form. As the moon came out completely a voice said "One night... you have one night..." and then it faded. I watched down. She was lying on the floor and wearing different clothes to those she had on when I lost her once. This time I knew I'd lose her for sure, but the last time I had had the hope that she would change her mind, that's why it had hurt so much. Under this light source she began to stir, and I quickly helped her get up. Her clothes, though simple, made her look beautiful. She had a leather bracelet braided with green and blue strings ending in a circle-shaped golden pendant with a carved wolf paw. Her swater was light blue mathching her jeans and brown boots.

     We went for a stroll, leaving our prints in the snow. Everything was silent, and then I saw a snowflake falling. I caught it, and as it melted in my hand, we saw how it shined a bit. We continued walking, night passing slowly. We found ourselves in a tree circle. I stared her directly and approached to her. She stood there, and put her hands in my shoulders. I hugged her, but in that moment, dawn began breaking. I had enjoyed being with her, but I had the funny feeling that I wasn't going to see her anymore. The sun bathed us with light, and as she began to return to her wolf form I began to feel dizzy. the last thing I could remember was saying

Then everything became black and I fell asleep. When I got up, I wasn't anymore at the forest. I was before a huge manor, carved deer were standing by the door. I knocked the door softly, but it opened by itself. I was in a large hall, where a single table was standing before a staircase. It had a statue all over it. A rock with a lizard and a tree raising, a bird posed on one of the "dried" branches. As I touched the table, a bear appeared. A voice said behind me

"We were waiting for you. Welcome home."

Friday, 7 February 2014

To Go Beyond

      Stars weren't visible anymore after we'd entered the forest, though it was midnight. The canopy was thick and didn't let any light pass down. I barked an order to stop and be quiet. The pack obeyed. I knew I had heard something, but coldn't locate it. I come to a halt. Its smell is somewhat known to me. When I react, it's too... late? soon? It has been 10 years since we last met, in that windy night when my life changed, in the last day of -as it's called where we live- Na Laetha Geal M'Ă“ige, "the bright days of my youth". It's still my youth, however, it only changed that it isn't bright anymore. Since I left to live with the wolves. They are my family, but he's kind of my family too. I miss him. It was especially the first year when it was the most noticeable, but what could I do? I'm a wolf, after all... family is my life.

     My best friend Seac told me to go beyond, this is, to continue my life. Of course not to forget him, she knows I can't, and I wouldn't if I could. I went directly to the shadow, barking furiously for not having shown before. It started running, with me chasing it. All the pack rested behind. When I began to approach, it tripped off with a branch and fell down, and I caught up. It was a guy, about two years older than me if I was human, he has a hood. Now I'm satnding on him, and as he tries to protect his face from my teeth with his arms, the hood slides down... and I freeze. I can't believe it's actually HIM. I stop my growling, maybe too soon for him but happiness flowing through me. I wonder wether he has forgotten my aspect. But, as my defense, there aren't any other white wolves with gray paws, a lighter shade of gray in the chest and blue eyes. How come he forgot me? Have I changed that much? Finally, he does, and a smile crosses his face.

     I leave him stand up, and he pats my head, passing afterwards to hug me. I just lay my head on his shoulder, not being able to do something else. He finally lets me go, and I sit down, looking up right into his eyes. Right then, the pack arrives, and Crann stands up, putting his paws in the shoulders.

     His eyes shine with happines tears. I tell the pack to have a deer, and to ignore anything that I do for I'll catch them up later; when they go I start howling all my feelings. My happiness for finding him, my sadness when I left him. I know he understands why Ieft him, and it wasn't easy neither for him to let me go, nor for me to leave him.